iRem Token Buy/Sell Limit: 0.575 BNB

Infinity Realm


On February 3rd, 2023, the Infinity Realm team made a decision to change the number of iRem tokens that could be bought or sold at any given time to a limit of 0.575 BNB. This was done in order to maintain a fair and equitable ecosystem while continuing to promote growth and development. In this article, we will discuss why this change was necessary and what it means for current and new holders.

Why We Made the Change

At Infinity Realm, we strive to create an environment where buyers and sellers can benefit equally. Unfortunately, this can be difficult when token prices are volatile, or market conditions are unstable. As such, we decided that limiting how much iRem tokens that can be bought or sold at any given time would help protect existing holders from price manipulation as well as ensure that new holders don’t get taken advantage of by unscrupulous traders. Additionally, limiting how much tokens that can be bought or sold on the market creates more stability in the overall ecosystem, which is beneficial for everyone. This ensures that no single investor can monopolize or manipulate prices by buying up large amounts of iRem tokens all at once.

We also want to encourage long-term investments — which is why we decided on 0.575 BNB instead of 1 BNB as the maximum amount that can be bought or sold at any given time. This means that investors must think carefully about their purchases since they cannot make huge trades taking on significant risks with their capital.

What This Means for Investors

For current token holders, this change means that you will now have more control over your investments. Since only 0.575 BNB worth of tokens can be bought or sold at any one time, existing investors will have more certainty as to what their holdings are worth as well as greater peace of mind knowing that their investments are protected from price manipulation due to large-scale buying or selling activity. For new investors who are looking to join our ecosystem, they will no longer have to worry about being taken advantage of due to large influxes of buyers or sellers entering the market all at once.

In summary, by changing the cap on iRem tokens from unlimited amounts down to 0.575 BNB per buy/sell transaction, we hope to create an environment where both existing investors and new participants can benefit equally while also protecting against unfair practices such as price manipulation and large-scale buying/selling activity which can unfairly affect token prices. If you have any questions about how this change affects you specifically or would like more information about investing in iRem Tokens, please reach out️

– We’d love to hear from you!

Originally published at on February 6, 2023.

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Infinity Realm

Infinity Realm is a community-driven token that rewards its community just for participating. Revolutionizing the metaverse, bringing it to the next level.